14th July 2020

Companies after C-19 - Exclusive B2B study, May 2020 - Selected Findings

Insights into managerial plans
40% of managers expect a worse business climate due to C-19 (=their company is hurt).
36% of managers expect a negative impact on their personal lifestyle compared to before C-19.

What is going to happen next?

For details, see our latest B2B study from May 2020.   

For example, when managers are challenged to reduce family spending, fruit, vegetable and groceries won’t be affected. 
However most at risk are the following categories: express/frozen food, liquor, packaged water, food deliveries, and fast food, among others.

65% of companies intend to support Czech companies

When making household purchases, 80% of managers prefer to buy Czech products (non-food categories). 

27% of top managers consider investing into their self-development in order to successfully manage the transformation. 

New normal - threats and opportunities

  • Latest B2B results show 55% of middle and top managers intend to spend less money now compared to before C-19. 
  • In the new reality, consumer priorities, spending and tastes are all changing – right now. 

Are we heading for recession?
It is essential to understand the “new” reality Marketing budget / employees layoffs, unstable business (partners) & the 
economy overall. The whole world / Czechs are changing and will watch spending & search for smart solutions…

Our study will give you the tools to understand and make the right decisions:

  • Detailed consumer and company barometer, expectations towards upcoming months
  • Consumer expectation mood barometer
  • Czechness – national pride and characteristics how Czechs as nation can be understood
  • Personal plans in terms of spending and investment (which items specifically in a short-term and long-term)
  • Which areas are vulnerable to savings, which ones aren’t - specifically (ie. fruit, vegetable, food delivery, fast food chain dining, express food, alcohol, self-education, jewelry, electronics, entertainment, hobbies, cosmetics etc.)
  • Companies expectations ie using current rental space in the future, on-line business, igitalization, automatization, laying off people …
  • How well/badly companies managed the restricted period of time taking into account all aspects
  • Membership and contribution / lack of contribution, ie chambers of commerce: Hospodarska komora, foreign chambers of commerce, business platforms like Czech Business Club, Helas, among others
  • Expectations as to a possible next wave, and precautions. 

Exclusive offer – our May 2020 study

  • Is based on 86 B2B quantitative interviews with top managers. Enriched by 8 in-depth interviews with top managers in the Czech Republic and  Slovakia, as well as one renowned UK-based market research expert
  • Investment 35.000 CZK
  • Output: electronical final report up to 20 slides in Czech or in English, to be delivered 4 work days after your order. Payment within 14 days 
  • Investment includes a full hour consultation of the potential impact of these results for your business - face-to face (Prague only) or virtually.

Looking back on the “face mask” period  Usage and Attitudes – what managers said:

How managers protect their mouth & nose:
o Any kind of textile mask used 94%
o Disposable one 57%
o Round scarf 46%
o Scarf /other piece of textile 45% 
o 27% respirator
o 2% facial mask 
o 2% protective shield.

28% want to have a matching mask with their clothes.

How many face masks do managers have:
o 51% have 1-3 pieces
o 31% have 4-6 pieces
o 14% have 7-10 pieces
o 3% have more than 11 pieces. 

Expenditures related to all textile face masks:
o 47% paid nothing
o 11% paid less than 99 Czech crowns (CZK)
o 30% paid less than 499 CZK
o 40% paid less than 999 CZK
o 7% paid between 1000 and 1999 CZK
o 6% paid more than 2000 CZK

How they got their textile masks? 
o 3/4 from some family member
o 1/2 free of charge at work or at a business mtg.
o 1/5 bought from Česko šije roušky movement
o 1/5 made them at home
o 1/5 bought at e-shop
o 13% bought in some store
o 6% from freely accessible display (“rouškovník”).

More information in the attachment.

About the study author: Lenka is a passionate, strategic-minded, determined and results-oriented market research professional with 20+ years of practice and hundreds of strategy research studies conducted in the Czech Republic and abroad. Her main focus is on ”Czechness”. 
Lenka is the co-founder of the annual Czech Brand Award and regularly contributor to marketing magazines


Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic