1st April 2020

Covid-19 Crisis: Bank’s Response

Workforce Management and Health by EY:

• Are you tracking globally mobile employees?
• Do you have policies in place to respond to stranded employees / separated families /foreign employees denied entry to the country?
• Can you quickly segment your workforce into critical/non-critical and adapt staffing plans?
• Do you know who your ‘at risk’ employees are, have you established a consistent policy and a direct line of communication?
• Have you reviewed HR policies to make sure they are consistent with public health recommendations?

Customer and Communication
• Do you feel the boards of your major clients are ready to react?
• Have you considered how you may leverage your vulnerable customer policies / efforts for impacted customers / clients?
• How did you come to the decisions you have made to date on Forbearance?
• How are you planning on making this real for your customers?
• What has been the feedback / customer views on this to date?
• How are you scanning the market for updates on this topic?
• Are you ready to respond to questions that will come from governments, shareholders, analysts?

Digital Services
• Do you have plans in place to promote use of digital services?
• What support and training can be offered to customers, in particular for elderly and at risk groups, who may need to rely
on digital services?
• Is there a need for product enhancements, around forbearance and liquidity products
• What physical services need to be maintained for those customers that can’t access digital services

Business Continuity Planning
• Does the group pandemic BCP have a scenario that is similar to that which is being experienced currently?
• Has the pandemic BCP previously been ‘war gamed / pre-mortemed’ and are there results / findings that have been
• How, and to who, is BCP deployment reported on, what visibility is it getting?
• What are the big blocks of your BCP (e.g. People, Clients, Suppliers, Communications, Governance, Controls and Reporting) and who owns it?
• Do you understand how your FMI footprint may be impacted?
• When and how have you tested your remote work capabilities (access, capacity, bandwidth)?

Physical Infrastructure
• Are you able to ensure cash replenishment of all ATMs?  What additional measures need to be put in place
to restock ATMs?
• Are there contingency plans for a reduced branch service?  What would be the core network to be maintained and how would this be managed?
• Have you refreshed your business continuity plan including review of sufficient and alternate back up sites?

IT & Cyber-Resilience

• Have you tested IT infrastructure resilience for increased levels of remote working and increased use of digital services?
• Are you pro-actively testing the capacity of IT infrastructure against the risk if increased cyber-attacks
• Are you able to screen and monitor increased risks of cyber-related fraud and increased using of tactics such
as phishing?

Operational Implementation
• Have you tested ability to implement forbearance measures announced?
• Are processes in place to ensure all customers are treated consistently and in line with TCF?
• Are the operational interfaces understood between policy changes and collection and recovery processes?

In mid-term, focus on ensuring:
• the troubled but perspective clients can be provided adequate forbearance meassures and emergency liquidity
• your employees and clients can operate via remote access and digital channels
• dynamic modelling/forecasting of the impacts of crisis and your actions on your liquidity and capital

Pavel Riegger
Partner, Head of Financial
Services Central Europe
+420 225 335 114
+420 603 577 914

Martin Majdloch
Partner, Financial Services
+420 225 335 558
+420 731 627 232

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic