The Czech Republic ranks 38th globally and 24th regionally in the 2018 Global Entrepreneurship Index published by GEDI, Global Entrepreneurship and Development Institute.
The country outperforms regional average in categories Internationalization, Product Innovation, Risk Acceptance, Process Innovation, Tech Sector, and High Growth, but finds itself below regional and global average in categories Cultural Support, Networking and Opportunity Perception, for example.
Source: GEDI
The GEI measures both the quality of entrepreneurship and the extent and depth of the supporting entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Opportunity Perception: Can the population identify opportunities to start a business and does the institutional environment make it possible to act on those opportunities?
Start-up Skills: Does the population have the skills necessary to start a business based on their own perceptions and the availability of tertiary education?
Risk Acceptance: Are individuals willing to take the risk of starting a business? Is the environment relatively low risk or do unstable institutions add additional risk to starting a business?
Cultural Support: How does the country view entrepreneurship? Is it easy to choose entrepreneurship or does corruption make entrepreneurship difficult relative to other career paths?
Networking: Do entrepreneurs know each other and how geographically concentrated are their networks?
Opportunity Startup: Are entrepreneurs motivated by opportunity rather than necessity and does governance make the choice to be an entrepreneur easy?
Technology Absorption: Is the technology sector large and can businesses rapidly absorb new technology?
Human Capital: Are entrepreneurs highly educated, well trained in business and able to move freely in the labor market?
Competition: Are entrepreneurs creating unique products and services and able to enter the market with them?
Product Innovation: Is the country able to develop new products and integrate new technology?
Process Innovation: Do businesses use new technology and are they able access high quality human capital in STEM fields?
High Growth: Do businesses intend to grow and have the strategic capacity to achieve this growth?
Internationalization: Do entrepreneurs want to enter global markets and is the economy complex enough to produce ideas that are valuable globally?
Risk capital: Is capital available from both individual and institutional investors?