Competitiveness / Business and Industry
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Can the permitting nightmare end for developers in Prague?
The Czech Republic has one of the longest and most complicated building procedures in the world and is ranked 156 out of 190 countries observed by The World Bank. Fortunately for real estate developers, the situation is slowly changing. Erwin Hanslik MRICS, Partner and CEE Head of Real Estate at Taylor Wessing talked to us about the legal and regulatory challenges investors and developers need to face in the Czech Republic.
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Stefan de Goeij: Ecology is a major issue in logistics
Perfectly solved logistics and warehousing are not only a precondition for the success of companies, but also an important part of sustainability strategies and environmental impacts of their business. Interview with Stefan de Goeij, Head of Property Management at CTP, for Czech Magazine Byznys & Energie.
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CTP Plans the Completion of the Largest Industrial Park in the Czech Republic
CTP announced that it will complete CTPark Bor in the next five years, creating the largest industrial park in the Czech Republic with an area of 600,000 m2.
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