Competitiveness / Business and Industry
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue

Vlněna: Renaissance of European Engineering and Innovation in Brno
On the premises of a former textile factory in downtown Brno, CTP has completed the first phase of its Vlněna project.
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Czechs Save for New Housing the Longest in Europe
The availability of housing in the Czech Republic is the worst compared to selected countries in Europe. On average, a new flat amounts to 11.3 multiple of an average annual income. The period is even longer than in Great Britain (9.8) where nominal property prices are by far the highest. The easiest way to new housing is in Belgium (3.7 of annual income). These are the findings presented in the latest Deloitte Property Index 2018.
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The CEE real estate market has been one of the most dynamically developing markets across Europe. Will this trend continue?
The CEE real estate market has been one of the most dynamically developing markets across Europe and has enjoyed strong interest from a wide range of developers, investors and occupiers across all sectors. Will this dynamic and rapidly developing market continue at such pace for the coming years?
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