Competitiveness / Business and Industry
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue

ABSL J. Appleton: 'We are working hard to develop other cities like Olomouc, Plzen, Hradec Kralove, Usti.'
The business services sector continues to grow rapidly in the Czech Republic. The number of centres has risen by 10% and the number of employees in this segment has risen by 19% year-on-year. A total of 220 companies providing business services worldwide from the Czech Republic now employ 89,000 people and contribute 5% to the GDP in the Czech Republic, Association of Business Services Leaders (ABSL) says.
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Sharing economy in the Czech Republic has a potential of up to CZK 60 billion
The volume of the sharing economy in the Czech Republic could reach 1.19% of GDP, i.e. CZK 59.9 billion, as follows from Deloitte’s latest study of the sharing economy in the Czech Republic. Its highest potential is in the sectors of transportation, accommodation and finance. Deloitte’s analysts estimate that at present the volume of the sharing economy is thirty times smaller. The country with the most developed sharing economy in Europe is the United Kingdom.
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CTPark Planá nad Lužnicí won first place at the Best of Realty award
We are thrilled and honoured! Our CTPark Planá nad Lužnicí won first place in the category Industrial and Storage Spaces at the Best of Realty awards! This is a great incentive for us to continue improving the already high standards of our services.
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