EU's Commissioner responsible for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová said on December 15: "Today we deliver on the promise of the Juncker Commission to finalize data protection reform in 2015. These new pan-European rules are good for citizens and good for businesses. Citizens and businesses will profit from clear rules that are fit for the digital age, that give strong protection and at the same time create opportunities and encourage innovation in a European Digital Single Market. And harmonised data protection rules for police and criminal justice authorities will ease law enforcement cooperation between Member States based on mutual trust, contributing to the European Agenda for Security." The Reform consists of two instruments: General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Directive.
Read press releases of the European Commission, European Parliament, CBI, Businesseurope.
Articles: New Europe, Politico, EurActiv, New York Times, The Guardian, TechCrunch, DLA Piper.
In Czech and CTK/Euroskop. According to the Czech Industry Coalition on Data Protection, the European Commission will adopt the new legislation on 21 December.
Press release by Industry Coalition for Data Protection is attached.