12th April 2016

AmCham EU position to improve quality and coherence of EU online contract law

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) welcomes the European Commission’s initiatives to improve the quality and coherence of European online contract law in the framework of the Better Regulation Agenda. However, the Commission’s proposed directive lacks harmonisation with contract law in the EU, which will result in companies still relying on different rules for different distribution channels. AmCham EU therefore urges the European institutions to devote attention to the harmonisation of the proposed directive with the EU acquis in the field of consumer protection, and to wait for the conclusions of the REFIT exercise, the European Commission's Regulatory Fitness and Performance programme, which should clearly identify the gaps. These efforts will help to ensure that the proposed rules do facilitate easier online cross-border consumer transactions, benefitting business, consumers and society as a whole.

Read full statement (in English).


Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic