On 25 March, the college of commissioners discussed at a regular weekly meeting the upcoming Digital Single Market strategy. Digital market is one of the key priorities of the Juncker Commission and the overall strategy is expected in early May. Last week, the commissioners discussed several preliminary question, in particular the areas that the strategy should touch upon. It was agreed, that the strategy will cover 3 main topics: consumers, infrastructure and industry. Concerning infrastructure, the Commission plans action in areas such as telecoms and media rules, spectrum allocation, next-generation broadband, strengthening trust in online services and protection of personal data. In the area of industry, the Commission will re-evaluate certain standards to assure interoperability of new technologies, consider measures to support cloud computing, while ensuring high standards of data protection or to support developing digital skills of citizens. Perhaps most interestingly, though, in the area of consumers, the Commission plans to address issues such as geo-blocking of online content, cross-border parcel delivery, copyright, VAT rules application in cross-border online trade and so on. All of these measures will be developed into a comprehensive strategy to be presented by May. The digital market is the market of the future and tackling some of the issues that hamper its full development in the EU could boost the EU economy by several hundred billion euros per year.