In the near future, nearly all jobs will require some level of digital skills and the Digital Single Market could contribute €415 billion per year to the EU economy. Digital skills are therefore vital for innovation, growth, jobs and competitiveness. The European Commission estimates that there will be 18,000 ICT professional vacancies in the Czech Republic in 2020. More than 40% of Czechs have no or low digital skills and around one-third of Czechs active in the labor market have no or low digital skills, the European Commission says.
In an interview for Radio Zet, paedagogical consultant for digital technologies in education Ondřej Neumajer says that the equipment of Czech elementary and secondary schools with technology and devices is above-standard, including projectors, interactive whiteboards, notebooks, netbooks and tablets. But the country lags behind in their use in the educational process. Technology companies are investing a lot into activites focused on teachers and technology use. Read details (in Czech). From September 2016, students of the Paedagogical Faculty, University Hradec Kralove, will learn how to use tablets in lessons to learn how much students understood and remembered from what they have read or heard from the teacher, for example, the server wrote. Also, the CTK news agency informed that pupils studying at less successful elementary schools tend to use the computer in their free time rather for playing games or downloading films than for preparation for lessons, search of practical information or e-mailing. Read details in Czech.
Also, read a recent article on the state of eGovernment in the Czech Republic and how to improve it by the server. The Government needs experts from all parts of the society in its advisory council on digital agenda, not just ministerial officials, says Jiří Skuhrovec of the EconLab think-tank. The Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for the agenda, points at the fact that not all services provided by the Government are suitable for electronic administration and not all citizens will use eGovernment. Promotional activities are needed. More opinions are available here (in Czech).