12th April 2016

J.Harvey on cybersecurity: In 2020, there will be more spent on detection vs. the current trend of prevention - interview

Justin Harvey, Chief Security Officer, Fidelis Cybersecurity Inc., USA spoke at the "True Stories from the Dark Side of the Net"  roundtable organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic. In the interview below, he addressed current trends and issues in cybersecurity.


1. Are there big differences in the level of data protection, privacy protection and citizen attitude towards data, privacy protection among developed nations of the world?

There is a huge gap between the European Union countries with the GDPR, and the rest of the world.  No other country or association of countries has been able to classify personal data, describe it’s usage, how it’s analysed, the procedures for destroying it and the right to be forgotten


2. What will cybersecurity issues for companies look like in 2020? 

In 2020, there will be more spent on detection vs. the current trend of prevention.  Security operation centres will be highly automated, but the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals will still be there. There may also be “mega” managed services providers that provide security monitoring and coverage over multiple customers….this is necessary in order to mitigate the information security skills shortage which will STILL be in full effect in 2020...

Read full version of the interview in the attached document below. (in English).

Click also on an interview on crime on the internet by ceskapozice.cz with internet security expert Martin Kožíšek of Seznam.cz, saying that there should be greater cooperation between various internet providers and providers of services, as well as between the police and the legislators.




Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic