18th August 2016

UN e-Government Survey 2016: Czech Republic ranks 50th worldwide, jumps up 46 places in e-participation index

According to the UN e-Government Survey 2016, the Czech Republic ranks 50th globally. The country obtained the best scores for the human capital component of e-Government, followed by the telecommunications infrastructure component (Percentage of Individuals using the Internet, Fixedtelephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, Mobilecellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, Fixed (wired)- broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, Wireless broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants). The Czech Republic obtained the lowest scores for the online service component. 

The country ranked 76th in the e-participation index (e-information, e-consultation, e-decisionmaking).

Read the report (in English) and an article by the Euroskop.cz portal (in Czech).

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic