28th October 2015

Competitiveness: Three Czech universities among top ten in Emerging Europe, Central Asia


Charles University (3rd place), Czech Technical University in Prague (8th place) and Masaryk University in Brno (9th place) are among top ten universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia regions, says recent report by UK's Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a producer of world and regional university rankings. At the very top are the Russian Lomonosov State University and Novosibirsk State University. The report assessed nine areas of performance, including academic reputation, employer reputation, faculty/student ratio, papers per faculty, web impact, staff with PhD, citations per paper, international faculty and international students. Read more details in Czech.

Planned state budget funds allocated for education for 2016 are currently CZK 400bn lower than in the 2015 budget. Negotiations over the issue are ongoing. Dean of Masaryk University in Brno warns of brain drain.

According to OECD's How's Life in the Czech Republic report, the Czech Republic has the highest level of educational attainment in the OECD: 92.8% of the Czech adult working-age population have completed at least an upper secondary education compared to the OECD average of 77.2%. Furthermore, the literacy and numeracy skills of Czech adults lie above the OECD average.

Also, with progress in automation of production and increase in labor efficiency there is no sense in pushing more and more people into technical, industry-related education, specialization. New solutions with high value added appear where fields of specialization cross, said Jiří Nantl of Central European Institute of Technology in Brno (CEITEC), former Deputy Minister of Education in an interview for Euractiv.cz. Also, it is wrong to pose natural science, technology against social science and view the latter as inferior. Social sciences often address long-term challenges that are not primarily technological in nature, such as ageing, disappearance of jobs, mass migration, and other problems that we do not see or experience yet. The organization of public administration, i.e. strong resorts and weak coordination among the resorts hamper social innovation and innovations in public policy. As a consequence, social innovations pop up in the private and NGO sectors.

Read also an article How to read university rankings? published by ceskapozice.cz.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic