Competitiveness / Education

This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

16th September 2015 / Competitiveness / Education

Competitiveness: OECD: New approach needed to deliver on technology’s potential in schools

“Students, Computers and Learning: Making The Connection” says that even countries which have invested heavily in information and communication technologies (ICT) for education have seen no noticeable improvement in their performances in PISA results for reading, mathematics or science. Ensuring t...
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5th September 2015 / Competitiveness / Education

Competitiveness: Financial literacy in Czech Republic. Sufficient or low?

Financial experts say that while Czechs are creative and ready to take on the responsibility of running their own business poor financial planning often gets them into trouble. They are unable to create financial reserves and often take out several loans with no clear idea of how they are going to...
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21st July 2015 / Competitiveness / Education

Competitiveness: Five Czech universities among World TOP 1000

According to the Center for world university rankings (CWUR), the best Czech universities ranked 270th, 702nd, 716th, 724th and 980th globally in 2015. View the 2015 edition of the ranking and read more. CWUR assesses more than 22,000 universities around the world. According to the 2015 CWTS Leide...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic