14th December 2015

WEF: Which are the best cities for students? Prague ranks 39th

Published annually, the QS Best Student Cities index showcases the best urban destinations for international students, based on a diverse range of indicators grouped into five key categories. These five main categories are: university rankings, affordability, student mix, desirability, and employer activity. To be considered for inclusion, each city must have a population of over 250,000, and be home to at least two universities included in the QS rankings. In case of doubt, the metropolitan area is considered, both for population metrics and to assess whether an institution qualifies as contributing to the attractiveness of that city. Current calculations suggest that 116 cities qualify for consideration.

The top student city in the world for the fourth year running is Paris, followed by the Australian city of Melbourne and Japanese Tokyo. Berlin ranked 9th, Munich 11th, Vienna 16th, Prague 39th, Brno 73rd.

Read also OECD''s PISA in focus report Who wants to become a teacher?

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic