The World Bank's Human Capital Index measures the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18. It conveys the productivity of the next generation of workers compared to a benchmark of complete education and full health. It is constructed for 157 countries. It is made up of five indicators: the probability of survival to age five, a child’s expected years of schooling, harmonized test scores as a measure of quality of learning, adult survival rate (fraction of 15-year olds that will survive to age 60), and the proportion of children who are not stunted.
The Czech Republic ranks 14th out of 157 countries assessed.
• Human Capital Index. A child born in the Czech Republic today will be 78 percent as productive when she grows up as she could be if she enjoyed complete education and full health.
• Probability of Survival to Age 5. 100 out of 100 children born in the Czech Republic survive to age 5.
• Expected Years of School. In the Czech Republic, a child who starts school at age 4 can expect to complete 13.9 years of school by her 18th birthday.
• Harmonized Test Scores. Students in the Czech Republic score 522 on a scale where 625 represents advanced attainment and 300 represents minimum attainment.
• Learning-adjusted Years of School. Factoring in what children actually learn, expected years of school is only 11.7
• Adult Survival Rate. Across the Czech Republic, 92 percent of 15-year olds will survive until age 60. This statistic is a
proxy for the range of fatal and non-fatal health outcomes that a child born today would experience as an adult under
current conditions.
Details in Czech by Hospodarske noviny daily.