4th November 2015

Competitiveness: CTK/Prague Monitor: Commissioner Jourová: Gap between women and men's pay third highest in EU


The Czech Republic has the third highest differences in the salaries of men and women in the EU, Vera Jourova, EU commissioner for justice, consumer protection and gender equality, said on 2 November, adding that the gap is an average 22 percent compared with the European difference of 16 percent, Prague Monitor wrote. Jourova said one of the causes of women having lower salaries than men is the "segregation of professions." Women often work in professions and branches with lower salaries, such as health care and education, and they also mostly hold lower positions. But they often get less money than men even for the same work done. "This is definitely at variance with the ban on discrimination," Jourova said. Another reason why women´s incomes are lower is care of their families´ members and households. A man devotes an average nine hours a week to these activities, while a woman four hours a day, Jourova said. She said EU member countries should seek solutions to the differences in their social and tax systems...Read more.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic