Czech businesses are finding ways to overcome talent/skills gap; some of them run their own schools and training centres, some provide initial work experience to socially excluded youth and some reach out to physically handicapped..Read more here and here. In an interview for the radio, director of the Association for integration and migration Magda Faltová said that there were Czech companies where qualification for jobs within the company vary, or there were jobs in which Czechs show no interest. There is no other solution than hire foreign workers, otherwise Czech economy would suffer. Most of foreigners working in the Czech Republic are Slovaks, Ukrainians, Russians and Vietnamese. Still, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs have not published data on foreigners since mid-2013. More on changes on the Czech labor market in an interview here.
Also, regulation of home office is being debated at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. More details here.
According to the WAI (Work Ability Index) ability of Czechs aged 50+ to work is equal to the ability to work of the same age group in the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries. Although one in five Czechs retire prematurely. Also, according to the CVVM agency survey released end July 2015, one third of Czechs would accept a job that would require their relocation and more than two thirds are willing to work overtime. Almost one half would accept a part-time job...View more details here and a table with 2003-2015 survey results in English here. Additionally, according to a survey by BDO, more than half of Czech managers work during holiday, with 20% of them working voluntarily. More than 60% of female managers work voluntarily during their time off...Read more here. Still, salaries of women and men performing same jobs differ. The share of women employed in Czech science has been stable at 21% since 2001, although approximately 50% of university students (MSc. and doctoral studies) are women. View an interview with lead sociologist of the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Science Marcela Linková here.
Motivation of young people as a problem? Some thoughts of a representative of Czech young generation in a dialogue with Jan Mühlfeit, former Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation.
NEW: According to a survey conducted by the NN insurer, there has been an increase in employee benefits provided by Czech employers, including 13th salary, the so-called sick-days or pension saving schemes. One third of respondents-employers plan to strengthen employee benefits related to further education. On average, businesses with less than 50 employees provide 9 benefits and businesses with more than 250 employees offer up to 13 benefits...Read more in Czech and survey results in English. Czech Government approved on 20 August the rise in minimum wage by 700CZK to 9,900CZK. The issue of working poor is not a big deal in the country, an OECD survey says. Read more on Czech minimum wages and poverty.