Between 1995 and 2015, in the Czech Republic. the growth of the number of employees who have attained tertiary education exceeded the total growth of employment in the period. As for employees with tertiary education, the lowest increment between 1995-2015 was recorded in the Karlovarsky, South Bohemian and Prague regions. Still, 41.9% of working population in Prague aged 25-64 has tertiary education, the second highest share among all Czech regions in 2015 (Brno, South Moravian region, recorded a share of 42.6%)
The number of employees with primary education dropped by one third since 1995, across all Czech regions, especially in the Moravskoslezsky, Olomoucky and the South Bohemian regions.
Besides the high number of commuters to Prague from Central Bohemia, the Czech Statistical Office mentions relatively high inflow of commuters from the Ustecky region. Commuters working in Prague make 16% of the country's total employment, the Czech Statistical Office says. South Moravian region ia another region where the inflow exceeds the outflow of working-age population.
Among cross-border commuters, workers with secondary education prevail.
Read more in Czech. According to the latest data by the Office, in 2016, in 30.5% of Czech households there was at least one person engaged in formal education.