In 2016, OECD net electricity production grew by 0.9% compared to 2015. Within this small overall change there was a large increase of 9.5% in Geothermal, Solar, Wind and Other renewables generation and a smaller, but still significant, increase of Hydro, 2.2%. Combustible Fuels2 and Nuclear fell by 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively.
Nuclear production fell 2.4% in Europe in 2016, led by continued German phase-out and decreases in the Czech Republic and France, International Energy Agency (IEA) reports.
Total OECD cumulative production of nuclear electricity in 2016 was 1 873.6 TWh, 2.7 TWh, or 0.1% lower than in 2015. Europe was the only region which decreased its nuclear production, by 19.6 TWh, or 2.4%, to 790 TWh led by the continued phase out of nuclear electricity in Germany as well as decreases in the Czech Republic and France caused by extended outages. There were also operational outages in Slovenia and Switzerland.