20th March 2016

Prague Declaration for Habitat III Europe Regional Meeting

We, the National Government delegations from the Member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) region, from now on called “the region”, as well as relevant stakeholders, including local and regional authorities, intergovernmental organizations, United Nations agencies, professionals and academia, the private sector, civil society, men, women, children, youth and other participants of the Habitat III Regional Meeting European Habitat held in Prague on 16-18 March, 2016...

...note the importance of promoting:
i. Innovative and productive cities. Increasing attractiveness and liveability of cities with a focus on innovation and adequate and affordable housing, ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as taking into consideration youth and gender perspectives. Job creation should be promoted through entrepreneurial-friendly conditions, while respecting the environment;

ii. Green, compact, resource efficient and resilient cities. Green and better integrated with nature, inclusive, liveable, compact and resilient cities are a priority in policies at all levels of the government and in regional cooperation, especially with regard to members of vulnerable groups, marginalized communities and people with special needs. Increasing resource efficiency on energy, water, waste, land use and food as well as mitigating greenhouse gases emission, improving air quality and taking care of wastewater in cities together with making cities resilient to climate change and other challenges, such as to flood, drought, heat waves, natural and man-made hazards, as well as ensuring transition
towards safe and sustainable urban mobility, clean and accessible urban transport for all;

iii. Inclusive and safe cities. To address the causes of discrimination and inequalities, with a particular focus on human rights in cities on the basis of gender equality and as a result of other forms of exclusion and unequal power relations owing to race, ethnicity, culture, caste, class, age, ability or disability, sexual orientation, religion. This should include the progressive realization of the rights to an adequate standard of living for all, including to adequate and affordable housing in accordance with states’ obligations;

iv. Good urban governance. Improving urban governance by establishing and strengthening local democracy, participatory and multilevel governance, building the capacity of local authorities and all civil society actors, implementing holistic and integrated strategies for sustainable urban development. Sustainable, inclusive and effective urban planning and management, is a vehicle towards improved quality of life of all people. This should take into consideration urban identity and local culture. Protecting cities’ character and valuing their history and traditions, in order to foster social cohesion and civic values and transmit heritage to the future generations.Women’s empowerment and women’s full and equal participation in the economy are vital to achieve sustainable development and significantly enhance economic growth and productivity.

Read full text of the Declaration.


Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic