The 2018 Global Real Estate Transparency Index covers 100 markets and is based on 186 indicators. These variables are divided into six areas –performance measurement, market fundamentals, governance of listed vehicles, regulatory & legal frameworks, transaction process and environmental sustainability.
The Czech Republic ranks 23rd and finds itself in the group of transparent countries along with Denmark, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, US, Sweden, Austria, Hong Kong, Finland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, Spain and South Korea.
Within Europe, countries in the CEE region have shown the strongest advancements as they gradually catch up with their Western peers. Serbia and Slovakia are among the Top 10 global improvers, with Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Romania also progressing. Market data has increased on the back of elevated levels of cross-border investor activity, while the regulatory environment is improving as financial regulators take on a greater role. By contrast, Poland and Hungary, which have previously led transparency improvements, have been treading water since 2016 and their global rankings have slipped, the report says.