This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® The global outlook for 2019
The political and economic uncertainty of the past year will likely persist in key markets throughout 2019, yet real estate continues to attract capital and demonstrate its enduring appeal as an investment asset class.
The acquisition of income-producing commercial real estate increased by 3 percent to $963.7 billion in 2018, the third highest annual total on record, after 2007 and 2015.
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CMS European M&A Study 2019: Sellers set the agenda, despite market uncertainty
The "seller-friendly" dynamic in European M&A transactions strengthened during 2018, notwithstanding a drop-off in volumes towards the end of the year. This comes in marked contrast to the US market, where risk allocation continues to favour the buyer.
These conclusions were published by CMS today in the 11th edition of its annual European M&A Study, a multi-year analysis of the key legal provisions within M&A agreements. The study is the most comprehensive of its kind and is based on a proprietary database comprising more than 4,000 deals over a 12-year eriod.
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WEF/Quartz: The average person in Europe loses two years of their life due to air pollution
The average person living in Europe loses two years of their life to the health effects of breathing polluted air, according to a report published in the European Heart Journal on March 12.
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