
This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

20th September 2017 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs

Eurostat: Average length of working life of Czechs is just above 35 years

In 2016, people in European Union (EU) could be expected to work for an average of 35.6 years, up by 1.8 years compared with 2006, Eurostat writes. The Czech Republic had the expected average working life at the EU average of 35.6 years.
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18th September 2017 / Competitiveness / Employment and Social Affairs CEE emigrants could boost their countries' economies

Currently, around 7 million mainly young, skilled and educated Bulgarian, Czechs, Hungarians, Poles, Slovaks and Romanians (CEE-6) live and work in Western Europe. The return of even a relatively small portion of these would boost regional GDP, for example, by stimulating the development of real estate markets, writes.
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14th September 2017 / Competitiveness / Technology, R&D and Innovation Czechs taking lead in voice recognition

Czech scientists are at the forefront of developing voice recognition and artificial intelligence. A team from Brno is cooperating with the US Defense Department and Facebook, Raymond Johnston writes for
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic