This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.
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Spotlight issue
Competitiveness: OECD How's life? report: Volunteering makes 2% of GDP per year
On 13 October, OECD published their How's life report measuring well-being in the member states and partner countries, capturing both material well-being (such as income, jobs and housing) and the broader quality of people’s lives (such as their health, education, work-life balance, environment, s...
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Competitiveness: Reaction of CICDP to EU Court ruling on Safe Harbor
Czech Industry Coalition on Data Protection is a common platform for issues related to ICT and internet economy, connecting individuals, associations (ICT Unie, Czech ICT Alliance, SPIR), business assocations and corporations. Their position on the recent decision of the Court of Justice of the Eu...
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Competitiveness: Employment issues: Aktuálně.cz: Czechs deserve higher wages. (updated)
Whereas Czech GDP per capita reached 84% of the EU 25 average, Czech gross monthly wage before deductions climbed only to 62% of the EU 25 average in 2014. Deloitte analyst David Marek names the following reasons: 1. High non-wage labor costs, with the share of social insurance on total labor cost...
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