Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

This section feature research, opinion and progress reports on how the Czech Republic compares to other EU countries economically. It includes analysis of international rankings such as the WEF and World Bank.

Spotlight issue

15th March 2016 / Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

Czech Rep largely compliant with OECD tax transparency standard, improvements needed | Czechs do not like tax evasion by corporations, see inequality in possibility to circumvent, determine (tax) rules - study

OECD data show the Czech Republic is „largely compliant“ with the international standard for exchange of information on request and transparency objectives of the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes. Improvements should be made in the areas of availability of information on ownership, access to information/access powers, and exchange of information/rights and safeguards, for example. According to a survey conducted by the Median agency for the Glopolis think-tank, almost 60% of Czech respondents think that it is big corporations who is responsible for the greatest part of tax evasion in the Czech Republic.
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29th January 2016 / Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

OECD: 31 countries sign tax co-operation agreement to enable automatic sharing of country by country information

As part of continuing efforts to boost transparency by multinational enterprises (MNEs), 31 countries, including the Czech Republic, signed the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement (MCAA) for the automatic exchange of Country-by-Country reports. 
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17th January 2016 / Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

Eurostat: Largest fall in tax-to-GDP ratio in 2014 in the Czech Republic

According to Eurostat, the overall tax-to-GDP ratio, meaning the sum of taxes and net social contributions as a percentage of GDP, stood at 40.0% in the European Union (EU) in 2014, compared with 39.9% in 2013. Compared with 2013, the tax-to-GDP ratio decreased in 2014 in the Czech Republic.  
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3rd December 2015 / Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

OECD's Revenue Statistics 2015: Czech Rep among countries with largest fall in tax-to-GDP ratio

OECD's annual Revenue Statistics published on 3 December shows that the average OECD tax-to-GDP ratio in 2014 was 0.3 percentage points higher than the pre-crisis level of 34.1% in 2007, and has surpassed the previous high of 34.2%, which was recorded in 2000. The average revenues from corporate incomes and gains fell from 3.6% to 2.8% of GDP over the same period. This decline was offset by an increase in social security contributions, from 8.5% to 9.2% of GDP, and a smaller increase in revenues from VAT. Compared with 2013, the largest falls of tax-to-GDP ratio were in Norway (1.4 percentage points) and Czech Republic...    
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27th November 2015 / Competitiveness / Tax & Finance

Competitiveness: In Czech Rep energy taxes generate largest part of environmental tax revenues

According to recent Eurostat data, in every EU Member State, energy taxes generated by far the largest part of environmental tax revenues in 2013. Energy taxes were particularly prominent in Lithuania (94%), the Czech Republic and Luxembourg (both 93%) where they accounted for more than 90% of tot...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic