21st April 2016

Czech Innovation Week: Innovation, Modern Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities

Czech Innovation Week will be held May 23 – 29, 2016, with events in several places around the Czech Republic designed to introduce companies, cities and the general public to the latest global trends in innovation and modern technologies and to promote Czech innovations and invention. Come talk about innovation, modern technologies, how they can make life easier for you, your company, your city. #tydeninovaci

The main event will be the two-day “Innovation on the Waves” at Cargo Gallery in Prague. Friday’s program will present the latest trends in innovation and modern technologies, how they can be used in everyday life, and exciting projects already under way in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the world. Saturday’s program, called “Prague NanoDay,” will give the young and young- at-heart the chance to try out some of the newest technologies developed by Czech nanotechnology companies.

Find out more.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic