In 2017, men accounted for 84 % of the 2.7 million people in the European Union (EU) who were employed and who had an information and communication technology (ICT) education.
Among the EU Member States, the country with the highest share of employed persons with an ICT education who were men was Czechia (93 %), followed by Hungary and Poland (both 90 %). In contrast, there were three EU countries where this share was 75 % or below: Bulgaria (66 %), Ireland (73 %) and Romania (75 %).
The trend - share of men on ICT-educated and employed population in Czechia - ranged from almost 87% (2013) to over 96% (2012).
2012: 96.3%
2013: 86.9%
2014: 90.6%
2015: 89.2%
2016: 88%
2017: 92.8%
Read also about drop-out rates among Czech university students. Drop-out rates among Czech technical universities range from 40 to 90 per cent.