18th April 2017

V.Mařík, CertiCon: "Czech research organisations and firms are at the peak in, for example, machine vision, artificial intelligence and big data analysis."

Representatives of Czech firms and institutions embarked on a robotics-focused technology mission to Japan, where they visited science and technology institutions in Tokyo, Tsukuba, Osaka and Nagoya.

The technology mission presented Japanese institutions with Czech progress in solutions for Industry 4.0, such as machine vision and image recognition, artificial intelligence, autonomous mobility, collaborative robots and multi-agent systems. The participants offered cooperation to both major Japanese research institutions and industrial giants such as Mitsubishi and Toyota. In the course of the trip, they will also visited, for example, universities in Tsukuba and Nagoya, the Robot Revolution Initiative, the National Institute of Informatics and the Japanese counterpart of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

“The Czech Republic has a good starting position in applying the principles of Industry 4.0 and has something to offer also to foreign partners. Though Japan is rightfully considered to be a robotics superpower, Czech research organisations and firms are at the peak in, for example, machine vision, artificial intelligence and big data analysis. Active establishment of contacts abroad with the assistance of state institutions is of key importance in supporting international cooperation in robotics and cybernetics,” says Vladimír Mařík, director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics at the Czech Technical University, Prague.

Read full article.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic