The U.S. Department od States Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) released the 2016 Crime & Safety Report,including the Czech Republic, monitoring the level of crime, state of cybersecurity, transportation safety, police response, details on medical emergencies, or situational awareness best practices for visitors/travellers. Read details.
The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State.
The OSAC "Council" is comprised of 34 private and public sector member organizations that represent specific industries or agencies operating abroad. The member organizations designate representatives to serve on the Overseas Security Advisory Council to provide direction and guidance to develop programs that most benefit the U.S. private sector overseas. The Department of State's Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) implemented the following recommendations from OSAC: to create the OSAC website, to create a Country Council Program, and to develop a Research and Information Support Center (RISC). A primary goal of OSAC is to develop an effective security communication network, consequently, OSAC invited all U.S. businesses, academia, faith-based groups, and non-governmental organizations to become constituents.
Click also on an interview on Radio Zet with IDC country manager for the Czech and Slovak Republics Dalibor Šidlo saying that the level of cyber security of the country is high among EU countries. View recent data on cyber security released by Eurostat. Across the EU Member States, fewer than 15% of internet users experienced security related problems in 2015 in the Czech Republic (10%), the Netherlands (11%), Slovakia (13%) and Ireland (14%). At the opposite end of the scale were Croatia (42%), Hungary (39%), Portugal (36%), Malta (34%) and France (33%). In 2015, fewer than 10% of internet users caught a virus or computer infection in the Netherlands (6%), the Czech Republic (8%; down from 26% in 2010) and Slovakia (9%). Read more.
Read also an article by Radio Prague Czech cyber security preparedness still lacking.