On 27 October 2015, World Bank Group published their report Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency. New methodology that was used put the Czech Republic to 33rd place in 2015 instead of 44th. In the 2016 report, the country ranked 36th, lagging behind Slovakia (29th), for example.
As for partial datasets and rankings, it generally takes 15 days (8 procedures) to start a business (rank 93 out of 189), 247 days (21 procedures) to deal with construction permit (rank 127 out of 189), and 31 days (4 procedures) to register property (rank 37 out of 189), the report states. The country ranks 122nd in paying taxes (compared with 123rd place in the 2015 report), a this is the only improvement, with 8 tax payments due per year and 405 hours per year spent on all procedures. In resolving insolvency, the Czech Republic ranks 22nd. Details on data are available here.
In the global ranking stakes, Singapore retains its top spot. Joining it on the list of the top 10 economies with the most business-friendly regulatory environments are New Zealand, in second place; Denmark (3); Republic of Korea (4); Hong Kong SAR, China (5); United Kingdom (6); United States (7); Sweden (8); Norway (9); and Finland (10). The world’s top 10 improvers, i.e. economies that implemented at least three reforms during the past year and moved up the rankings scale, are Costa Rica, Uganda, Kenya, Cyprus, Mauritania, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Jamaica, Senegal, and Benin. More details in Czech are available here.
Also, according to Grant Thorton Global Dynamics Index, the Czech Republic ranked as the 25th most dynamic business growth environment. Read more here (in English) and here (in Czech).