The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic (AmCham) has suggested twelve steps that could be taken in 2020 that would help the Czech Republic become a top ten EU economy by 2025. Adjusted for the progress of the past two years and the government's new innovation strategy, the new Letter on Priorities sets four strategic directions: high-tech manufacturing, innovative cities, government policies that drive innovation, and government as an competitive advantage. For each strategic direction, the letter recommends steps that would align the country's key assets- people, technology, infrastructure, and government- to these strategic goals.
The letter addresses digitization of the workforce, immigration policy, strengthening the university research infrastructure through major private investment, making the economy less carbon intense, and setting measurable and public objectives for government programs.
The AmCham will be meeting with government leaders and working with other associations to achieve these goals. To get involved, contact Weston Stacey at