Median sizes of warehouses companies are looking for are usually reflecting the economic activity in given region and its geographical suitability (with regards to proximity of manufacturing or distribution and logistics needs). Among regions (excluding Prague), South Moravia had the highest number of requests for warehouses, however these were typically medium sized with median floor space of 3 thousand square meters. On the other hand, in Plzeňský and Ústecký regions, the largest warehouses are usually inquired – 10 thousand square meters, winning regions size-wise were Karlovarský (over 13 thousand m2) and Královéhradecký (12 thousand m2). On the other end of the typical warehouse size requests scale was Olomoucký region (600 m2).
„Some interesting figures come out of comparison of warehouse requests within Prague itself,“ explains Bert Hesselink, Head of Industrial & Logistics at CBRE. „While customers in its western half would typically demand warehouses of one thousand square meters, in eastern half the figure is much lower – 600 to 700 square meters.“ Western half of the capital is also a market with highest overall warehouse space demand (number of customer inquiries) over past two years.
Data warehouse space demand in Czech Republic are based on customer (companies) inquiries and requests for warehouse rentals processed by CBRE over past two years. „Our experience shows, that one customer may often look in several regions and compares suitability, price, transport infrastructure and other details. Multinational and global enterprises do similar comparison of localities in Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Poland, as they are often not looking for warehouse in particular region, but for an offer, that will best fit their business need,“ adds Bert Hesselink.