The Czech Statistical Office selected areas where the Czech Republic/Czechs were in the upper or the bottom parts of statistical rankings in the past years.
- Czech Republic has the lowest share of population with elementary education (8.4% in 2014, compared with 61.6% in Portugal, 48% in Spain and 45.1% in Italy)
- the share of population with secondary education as the highest attained education was highest in the EU in 2014 (91.6% of population) vs. 19.9% with tertiary education as the highest attained education (43.1% in Luxembourg)
- the number of students per teacher at the elementary level of education is among highest in the EU (19, compared with 22 in United Kingdom)
- one of the lowest unemployment rates in 2014 (6.1%) and levels of poverty, social exclusion (proportions of persons at-risk-of-poverty: the Netherlands (11.6 %), Norway (10.9 %), the Czech Republic (9.7 %), Iceland (7.9 %))
- upward shift (to 14th place in 2014) in GDP per capita in purchasing power parity (22,900 Czech Republic, 36,800 Ireland, 73,500 Luxembourg)
- first place in alcohol intake (11,5l per person aged 15+ in 2013)
- one of the lowest figures for communal waste generation (307 tonnes per capita in 2013, compared with 747 in Denmark or 272 in Romania)
Read details in Czech.