4th October 2016

e15.cz/Bertelsmann Foundation: Small countries benefit more from globalization than big players

According to a study published by the Bertelsmann Foundation, small countries benefit more from globalization that big players such as the U.S. or China, www.e15.cz writes. The Bertelsmann Foundation compiled a list of 42 countries and monitored their development since 1990. Globalisation benefited above all countries such as Japan, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Israel, Austria, Greece and Sweden, whose income increased the most. The Czech Republic ranks 32nd, with an increase of income per capita by 260EUR per year (compared with increase of income per capita in Japan by 1,470EUR per year on average since 1990). According to the authors of the study, one of the greatest beneficiaries of globalisation is Germany, world’s biggest exporter.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic