Economic policy
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue
EUR/CZK call revised higher as major stress hits markets
On the back of the recent market turmoil and the increase in political stress, we have revised our EUR/CZK call higher for the coming months. However, the medium-term forecasts remain virtually unchanged.
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ING Bank Czech Republic: Consumer confidence at new high in May
Despite latest market volatility and threats about trade-wars, Czech households remain optimistic given favourable labour market and increasing wages. Business confidence declined in May, driven mainly by weaker expectations in industry, ING Bank Czech Republic writes.
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IMF Regional Outlook: Europe continues to enjoy strong growth but recent indicators suggest that momentum is leveling-off
All European economies grew in 2017, and the outlook remains favorable in the short run, says the IMF’s latest regional report. But for growth to last beyond the current upswing, European countries will need to loosen structural constraints on growth, which range from barriers to investment to dwindling competitiveness.
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