Economic policy

This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.

Spotlight issue

25th February 2014 / Economic policy /

Economic Policy: China closes in on the U.S . in renewable energy, EY says

China installed 12 gigawatts of photovoltaic panels last year, more than the total amount of solar power in operation in the U.S. Further, China installed 14 gigawatts of wind power in 2013. China reached 73.1 out of 100 on the Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index in the fourth quarter, up ...
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24th February 2014 / Economic policy / Macroeconomic Indicators, Economic Growth

Economic Policy: Government takes step for accepting the Fiscal Compact

The Government announced that it would initiate a discussion in taking steps that would bring about ratification of the Treaty on stability, coordination, and governance within the Economic and Monetary Union (the so-called Fiscal Compact) and primarily the Czech accession to the Treaty. In general,...
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16th February 2014 / Economic policy / Tax & Finance

Economic Policy: EC to go after corporate tax avoidance

During a Competition Forum in Brussels, Commissioner Joaquín Almunia said the Commission would investigate certain Member States´ corporate tax legislations. Some recent corporate tax laws modifications by Member States have led to legal tax avoidance by corporations. As corporations profit from the...
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Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic