Economic policy
This section reports on economic policy initiatives of the Czech government, the EU, and other entities that have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country. It also includes information on economic priorities of the AmCham and other leading associations.
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Spotlight issue
A mixed economic picture in the Czech Republic
Industrial production fell by 2.6% YoY in February amid weak production of cars due to reduced semiconductor chip supplies. Retail sales fell by 3% YoY, but given the pandemic restrictions, this was not too bad a result.
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European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: EBRD to resume investing in Czech Republic following Covid-19 pandemic
EBRD to invest in Czech Republic again for the first time since 2008
Czech Republic among countries worst hit by coronavirus crisis in Europe
EBRD to strengthen economic resilience and stimulate private-sector growth
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AmCham Letter to the Government on National Recovery Plan Priorities
We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Czech National Recovery plan. Our comments are based on our chamber’s purpose to support the growth of Czech and American economic relationship and our goal to make the Czech Republic a top ten economy in the EU. We will therefore focus on areas of the recovery plan in which American business can contribute and which will increase the country’s innovative potential (the primary source of economic growth).
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