16th December 2015

CTK/epravo.cz/ceska-justice.cz: Associations of professionals complain that Govt does not consult new legislation

Associations of professionals established by law, including the Czech Bar Associations, associations of architects, auditors, tax advisors, dentists, medical staff or veterinary surgeons, for example, informed on 10 December that the process of commenting new legislation does not work properly. The Government does not provide enough time for analysis and comments and often does not pay enough attention to comments and change proposals submitted by professionals.

The President of the Czech Bar Association Martin Vychlopeň said in an article published by ceska-justice.cz that there is overuse of criminal law. The first choice should be instruments of civil and administrative law and remedies. Criminal law should be the last instance. He also expressed concern about the quality of the new legislation. Associations of professionals will coordinate their further efforts.

The number of people in Czech prisons is twice as big as elsewhere in Western Europe. Read the article.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic