29th August 2017

European Data Portal: Czech Republic publishes Open Data impact study

The Czech Republic has published the results of their Open Data impact study aiming at measuring the impact of Open Data in four different areas: the social dimension, the economic dimension, the environmental dimension and the political dimension. This study is based on datasets registered in the Czech National Open Data Portal, international impact metrics and measuring mechanisms from the Open Data Barometer, the Global Open Data Index and the Open Data Maturity in Europe study published by the European Data Portal.

More specifically, the study presents the results of Open Data impact in the Czech Republic for categories and subcategories, i.e. government efficiency and effectiveness, public contracts and procurements, transparency and accountability, as well as transport infrastructure and environmental sustainability. Every category and subcategory was evaluated on the basis of their impact factor – zero, low, medium and high. The study was conducted by independent research experts and finalised in July 2017.

The study covers the period from January 2016 to July 2017, and it reports a medium level of impact both in the economic and political dimensions. A low level of impact was measured with regard to the social and environmental dimensions. The expert group pointed out that the National Open Data Portal has reached only 30% of its potential in terms of data re-use. The Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic is planning to annually update the Open Data Impact Study.

Read more details here.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic