26th November 2015

Good Governance: Chamber of Deputies passes Act on Registry of Contracts. Public contracts over CZK50,000 to be published, otherwise will be invalid.


110 out of 116 MPs voted for the Chamber of Deputies' version of the draft Act on Registry of Contracts on 24 November 2015. Only 27 MPs supported the Senate's version of the bill that did not include strict disclosure rules. Public contracts will be published in a central online registry from mid-2016. From 2017, contracts over CZK50,000 that will not be published in the registry will be invalid. There will be a number of exemptions, though. Read details (in Czech). More opinions are available here and here.

Statment of MP Jan Farský, co-author of the act.

Position of the Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises is available here.

Click here to read statement by Transparency International Czech Republic and here comments by the Rekonstrukcestatu.cz initiative. NFPK NGO reaction here.


CASE STUDY: Slovak Central Registry of Contracts, including lessons learnt.

Members of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic