On 28 October 2015, OECD have published their Regulatory Policy Outlook 2015. Read the press release. The report says the Czech Republic has made a significant progress in ensuring regulatory quality, especially by strengthening its Regulatory Impact Assessment process and its quality oversight through establishing an independent watchdog (the RIA Board). While a dedicated unit exists in the Government Office for RIA, there is no single body responsible for a whole-of-government regulatory policy. The RIA system is quite strong as all draft primary and secondary legislation prepared by the executive has to be accompanied by an impact assessment. The quality of impact assessments could be strengthened especially in terms of quantifying all impacts.
Consultations on every draft regulation developed by the executive are conducted automatically. Legislation drafts are published and anyone can submit comments. There are, however, no rules for handling such comments. There is also lack of information on ongoing consultations among the public..Evaluation of the performance of the existing regulations takes place ususally on an ad hoc basis and is used rather rarely, the report states.