In its report released on 24 April, Transparency International states that EU institutions are “vulnerable to corruption”. Recent Eurobarometer showed that Europeans believe corruption to be present in EU institutions – almost 70% have responded positively to this question, compared with 80% when asking about national institutions. In its first report of this type, Transparency International concludes that EU has made serious efforts in dealing with the risks of corruption, but the complexity of the processes and of the rules governing the EU institutions brings about possible loopholes and problems with effective enforcement. The three main EU institutions, the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, were object of the report, as well as three other bodies. According to Transparency International, the institutions were not too keen to cooperate, with European Parliament refusing completely on the grounds that its internal anti-corruption monitoring processes are sufficient. The report identifies lack of lobbying rules, tendency to negotiate on legislation drafts behind closed doors, protection of whistle-blowers rules or effective enforcement in case of proven corruption as the main problems in EU institutions. The European Public Prosecutor could be an answer to some of those, according to the Transparency International.
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5th August 2024
19th September 2024