According to the global PwC survey, three out of ten CEOs (29%) expect a slowdown in the world economy growth in 2019, which represents the highest level of skepticism since 2013. The decline in economic growth can lead to an increase in competitive environment and pressure on financial results of companies. Under pressure to achieve good financial results, the employees can use unfair business practices, such as corruption or bribery, or even commit frauds harming your company. The importance of effective prevention of misconduct and fraud is thus gaining an increasing importance, not only in relation to the criminal liability of legal entities.
PwC is organising survey with a focus on identifying fraud prevention tools that work best in the Czech environment.
The survey has a questionnaire format however, in order to better interpret the results experts from PwC would discuss the questionnaire with the participants either in person (on a meeting) or by phone. The estimated time is approximately 1 hour.
Benefits for the participants:
- Comparison of your firm’s results with other comparable firms;
- Opportunity to discuss the topic of fraud prevention with the PwC forensic experts and ask what you might be interested in;
- Useful tips from our practice; and
- Understanding of the latest trends and the most effective tools in the prevention area and fraud detection.
Enclosed please find leaflet with more detailed information about this survey.
Should you be interested to take part in this survey or would like to receive more information, please contact directly Katerina Halasek Dosedelova from PwC, mobile: +420 724 369 351 or email
Thank you very much for your time.
Author of content: PwC Czech Republic
19th September 2024