Last week, EU and US negotiators met in Miami for yet another round of TTIP talks. The negotiations have been rather slow in the past months, but now that the US have sealed the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, there may be renewed commitment also for transatlantic trade. According to the reports from Miami, the negotiators have by now agreed on some 97% of tariffs, leaving the most sensitive 3% for the final stage. Apparently, these will include agricultural products. There has also been progress on regulatory cooperation. However, the sensitive questions of ISDS and public procurement, mainly the opening of US state-level procurements to EU firms, have been put off for later. The next round of talks will be in February next year and the latter question should be its cornerstone.
For more, click here and here. Read a press release and view a video from the press conference at the end the 11th round of negotiations. Read also statement by EU chief negotiator Ignacio Garcia Bercero.