The Ministry of Interior that is responsible for civil service has proposed an amendment to the Act on Control (kontrolní řád). The Act on Control was passed in 2012 and should come into force in January, 2014. Since January, 2014 onwards, any supervision activities in public sphere are conducted according to the Act. The Act stipulates the aim of the supervision that is to check duties that have been assigned to a public authority institution. The supervisor (stipulated by the Act) should be appointed according to the level of the supervised institution (state level, municipal, and regional levels).
The Bill harmonizes the process of supervision across further Acts that have supervising character. The Bill has been prepared in collaboration with other Ministries as they are responsible for supervision in their scope of authorities. Thus the Bill unifies any terminology concerning supervision and further changes any references to the Act on Control.
The Bill has been put forward for discussion at the Government. The Ministry of Interior held an unofficial commentary procedure; however, the Bill has been already discussed by Ministers of the previous Government. The Government should discuss the Bill in order to put the current legal state in accordance with the legal state regulated by the Act since January, 2014.
For further information, click here (explanatory report, the Act on Control).