As was with the case of Amazon in Brno also deputies in Vodňany refused to approve the construction of large sawmill which was to be constructed there by Austrian company Schweighofer. The project was also supported by CzechInvest and the investor chose this location from approx. five other locations in the Czech Republic. In the case of Vodňany the project would mean an investment in value of CZK 4 bn and would create more than 500 workplaces. The deputies of Vodňany took the decision after the municipal referendum which was held at the end of this May that turned out negative. One of the main concerns was about excessive traffic in the municipality and the excessive use of agricultural land for the purposes of construction. So far the region of South Bohemia didn’t provide much of a support but it promised that it would do so if the company would positively affect the situation in the region.
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