The Ministry of Interior has proposed the Act on Association Register (zákon o rejstříku spolků). The Bill introduces new mechanism of registering association and keeping records (information about the association, internal structure of the association). The Association Register is to be set up (currently, the Ministry of Interior keeps this duty). The advantage of the Association Register is the public access and control of the association, their activities, internal and personal structure. The aim of the Bill is, therefore, to bring associations (as legal entities) under the public supervision. The Bill reflects the promulgation of the New Civil Code that should come into force on 1 January, 2014. As the New Civil Code unifies conditions to association, the Bill regulates the process of setting-up of associations and keeping their records. The Bill also regulates conditions for new international NGOs set ups (replacing the current Act on International Organization Activities of 1985).
The Bill is currently in the internal commentary procedure; the Ministry welcomes commentaries till 15 March.
For further information, click here (explanatory report).