On 21 September, the Government published an official wording of the Bill on Lobbying (zákon o lobbingu). In fact, by approving the Bill, the Czech Republic would enact a regulatory approach to lobbying activities as such. The Bill defines the process of lobbying as influencing public officials with decisive rights. The Bill stipulates a list of the public officials that should be treated under the Bill regarding lobbying activities. Except for deputies and senators, other high state, regional and local officials and representative are included (the list varies from 2,000 to 80,000 officials according to different variants of the Bill). The different variants of the Bill also regulate registration of lobbyist; they would have to register compulsorily or voluntarily. There is also a difference among the variants of the Bill regarding the processes that the Bill affects; only the legislative process or even the decision-making process is involved. The supervision over the lobbyists' registration and regulation of the lobbying process would be vested on the Parliamentary Representative or the Governmental Office on Political Parties Financing (both institutions to be set up).
The Government welcomes any consultation in the internal comment procedure till 22 October. For further information regarding the Bill, click here (explanatory report).