Dear Reader,
view the March 2017 issue of the CCC Digest, a selection of content from, and find out more about Czech competitiveness and policy developments in the past month. Links include:
Spotlight issue:
Panel Discussion: Public procurement: From the cost to the value
Interview with Transport Minister D. Ťok: „We have a systemic problem that has more to do with our political and commercial culture than it does with the public procurement law. / Máme systémový problém, který souvisí spíše s naší podnikatelskou a politickou kulturou než se zákonem o zadávání veřejných zakázek." In EN/CZ
Conference: Quality & Efficiency Measurement - the must for quality health care procurement
Analyses, trends, data: Economic Policy, FX Interventions, Digital Agenda, Political Party Financing, Czech Legislation,
Industry&Manufacturing, Investment, Health Care, Employment, Education, Tourism and more